Tuesday 11 June 2013

A Flower To Kiss

on Tuesday 11 June 2013

Author: Paul Mwenelupembe

Aflower to kiss, 
the flower yet to be flowering
So cute but not yet cluttering

in the bowl, the flower is the sent
The yet beautiful but greatly cute
The flower, flowering a glory
Then, now the smell is the scent

Glory, glory is the name
The rose flower standing amiss
The rose flower that tantalises
In the midst of the green garden
Such a light in the natural eyes
The golden eyes sparkling
In the flower, so flowered

In the flower, yet to kiss
So eyes get the truth
In the flower of the days
Each day, tomorrow and yet to reborn
The world flower, flowered, flowering
And the flower, flowered yet to kiss 

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Paul Mwenelupembe on 3 July 2013 at 06:55 said... said...

I feel honoured to see my work like this, thanks so much!!

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